Thursday, October 8, 2009

Make your Blog popular

What do I need to do?

Pick a good topic
Get lots of readers
Pretend to know what you are on about :)

The real trick is getting readers, how do you get people to your site? Unfortunatley there is on quick way to do this, you need t work at it. Go to other blogs, write comments, write something interesting. Get on FaceBook and put links on there ..... easy!

Or you can sit and hope, write nonsense and have fun just typing. It wont be popular, but it gets you off the streets.

If you want readers you need to find them. Go to places they go to, write comments they will want to respond to, write something they will want to read.

Do a Google (or Yahoo or whatever search engine you like to use) and see what others have done. See what others are writing about ..... or what they are NOT writing about.

When you read a Blog, write a comment, people may want to know more about you.


  1. I don't want people to know more about me...

  2. Also reply to those that bother to write! :)

    Thanks for visiting and making my Blog 200% more popular than it was before!
